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BrightEye NXT 450 Clean Streaming Router
Installation, Configuration and Operations Guide
Profile Configuration
To access the Profile Editor, select Profiles in the Navigation Panel.
Create or edit a Profile so the sources and destinations are in the order the automation system
requires. Refer to the example discussed in “Understanding Profiles” on page 140.
The only sources and destinations that show up in the Profile Editor are those that
have been previously defined in the Ports page. To view this page, select Ports
in the Navigation Panel. Refer to “About Port Configuration” on page 41 for
information on defining ports.
External Control Configuration
In order to control the Clean Streaming Router from an automation system or other external controller,
specific configuration choices need to be made in the External Control Editor.
To access the External Control Editor, select External Control in the Navigation Panel. The External
Control page displays.
Enable TCP/IP Control
To use TCP/IP with your automation system, select On from the Enable drop-down control.
When using TCP/IP, the automation system will need to connect to Port 5200 at the Clean Streaming
Router’s IP address.
Protocol Selection
From the Protocol drop-down control, select which protocol the router and automation system will
use to communicate. The details of the various protocols are discussed in “Protocols” on page 144.
Profile Selection
From the Profile drop-down control, select the Profile that will determine the automation numbering
scheme. (If you have not set up a Profile, refer to “Understanding Profiles” on page 140.)