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BrightEye NXT 450 Clean Streaming Router
Installation, Configuration and Operations Guide
Automation Protocols
Revision 1.1
This section describes the various communication protocols available in the BrightEye NXT Clean
Streaming Router to support external control by an automation system. It also discusses the various
means for connecting an external controller to the Clean Streaming Router.
The intended audience is the developer tasked with connecting an external control device to the
Some discussion of configuration of the BrightEye NXT Clean Streaming Router is covered in this
section, but only as it pertains to attaching an external control device. It is recommended that the
reader be familiar with general router configuration procedures as described earlier in this manual.
This following table describes the conventions used in this section.
A number followed by the letter “H” is a hexadecimal number. E.g., 12H is the hexadecimal
equivalent of decimal 18.
Command syntax in this section is described using a notation similar to BNF (Backus-Naur
A symbol is represented by the symbol name inside of arrow
brackets ‘<’ and ‘>’.
Optional parts are shown inside of square brackets.
Items that can be repeated are indicated by an ellipse.
Characters, numbers, and strings of text that are not part of a
symbol are to be interpreted literally. They would be typed exactly
as they are shown.
Single quotes may be used in certain cases to avoid ambiguity
when a character needs to be typed literally. For example, since
the arrow bracket is normally used to indicate a symbol, enclosing
it in single quotes means it should be interpreted literally as the
arrow bracket character. In this case it should be typed as a single
character (without the quotes).