Congratulations on your purchase of the Transformer.
Enhanced Vision products are designed to give you the
highest quality and convenience available.
Transformer is the most flexible and portable solution for
reading, writing and viewing magnified images at any
distance. Compatible with popular magnification software
and windows operating systems, Transformer’s unique
compact design is perfect for school, work, or home.
The Transformer product can enable people with low vision
to read, write and to see objects at any distance. The unique
design of this product provides the ultimate in flexibility and
offers a large range of magnification with multiple viewing
options that make reading easier than ever. Simply connect
the Transformer to any laptop or computer.
Prior to using this system, please carefully read and follow
the instructions provided within this booklet. A thorough
understanding of the functionality will allow you to fully
benefit from the flexibility and great features of this device.
If you have any questions, please contact the eye care
professional or the supplier from whom you have acquired
the unit.