Energist UltraPlus VPL™ System
User Manual
SD1-43 Issue 3 (CCF 296)
Coherent Light:
Light that stays focused, a property of lasers.
: a protein that holds all connective tissue together under the skin.
Collagen is sometimes damaged by plucking or electrolysis, which can lead to
dimpling on the skin. Collagen, from a plant, is also used to fill in scars and
augment lips, often with temporary results.
Cold Sore
: a viral infection that appears around the mouth. Hair removal,
especially electrolysis and lasers, should not be performed around visible cold
: causes blackheads (Comedones).
: a medical term for blackheads.
: a condition that is hereditary. Excess hair often runs in the family.
Contact Cooling
: a method of cooling the epidermis immediately prior to
laser irradiation in hopes of reducing or eliminating damage to the skin’s
Continuous Stimulation Technique
: a pain reduction method in which the
client is distracted by something during treatment (music, etc).
: an anti-inflammatory sometimes linked to hair growth when taken
: certain types of cosmetics (especially liquid foundations and
powders) can be used to conceal but not remove hair. Some women and men
use this method in conjunction with a hair removal method. Some methods of
hair removal require you to not use cosmetics immediately after to aid in skin
: the soft centre of a hair.
: Dried fluid that seeps from the skin in some clients following hair
removal such as laser, electrolysis, and depilatories. It’s best to keep these
crusts clean and not pick them to avoid infection and scarring. These crusts
are also called eschars.
: the flow of electricity, either alternating (AC like a wall outlet) or
direct (DC like a battery).
Curved Follicles
: a relatively rare condition which makes certain hair removal
methods more difficult and can lead to ingrown hairs.
Cushing Syndrome
: a disease caused by a tumour on the adrenal gland,
which can cause excess hair growth.
: relating to the skin.