Port Priority Port path cost, which must be a multiple of 16.
nt port
configuration Port Point to Point mode, when the port is only connected
with a bridge, then point to point port. "Yes" means a point-to-point port,
"no" means that it is not a point-to-point port, and "auto-detect" means to
automatically detect if it belongs to a point-to-point port. The default is
automatic detection.
Edge Port
Configuration Port Edge mode, called the edge port when the port is not
connected to any bridge. After the port is set to be an edge port and the port
receives BPDUs again, the port automatically changes to a non-edge port.
In RSTP Spanning Tree page, you can view the RSTP configuration information.
The interface item is described as follows:
Interface item
Port No.
Display the serial number of each port of the switch.
Port Identify
Display the identity of the current port.
Path Cost
Display the path cost of the current port
Port priority
Display the priority of the current port
Point to Point
Display whether the current port is a point-to-point
Edge port
Display whether the current port is an edge port.