Micropilot FMR20 HART
Commissioning and operation
Operating functions
The operating functions of the process indicator are divided into the following menus. The
individual parameters and settings are described in the "Commissioning" section.
If the operating menu is disabled by means of a user code, the individual menus and
parameters can be displayed but not changed. To change a parameter, the user code must
be entered. As the display unit can only display digits in the 7-segment display and not
alphanumeric characters, the procedure for number parameters is different to that for text
parameters. If the operating position contains only numbers as parameters, the operating
position is displayed in the 14-segment display and the configured parameter is displayed
in the 7-segment display. To edit, press the button and then enter the user code. If the
operating position contains text parameters, only the operating position is initially
displayed in the 14-segment display. If the button is pressed again, the configured
parameter is displayed in the 14-segment display. To edit, press the button and then
enter the user code.
Setup (SETUP)
Basic device settings
Diagnostics (DIAG)
Device information, display of error messages
Expert (EXPRT)
Expert settings for device setup. The Expert menu is protected from editing by an access
code (default 0000).
Operating modes
The process indicator can be used in two different operating modes:
• 4 to 20 mA mode:
In this operating mode, the process indicator is incorporated into the 4 to 20 mA current
loop and measures the transmitted current. The variable calculated based on the current
value and range limits is displayed in digital form on the 5-digit LCD. In addition, the
associated unit and a bar graph can be displayed. In this operating mode, the measured
value corresponds to 0 to 100 %
• HART mode:
The indicator is powered via the current loop.
The device can be adjusted under the "Level" menu (see operating matrix). The measured
value displayed corresponds to the distance measured or, if linearization is enabled, to a
percentage value.
HART communication operates according to the master/slave principle.
In the HART loop, the process indicator has the option of functioning either as a primary
master or as a secondary master (default). When it functions as a master, the device can
read process values from the measuring device and display them.
In HART mode, the process indicator can display up to four device variables of a
multivariable measuring device. These variables are referred to as the Primary Variable
(PV), Secondary Variable (SV), Tertiary Variable (TV) and Quaternary Variable (QV).
These variables are placeholders for measured values that can be retrieved using HART