Incoming acceptance and product identification
Micropilot FMR20 HART
Incoming acceptance and product
Goods acceptance
Check the following during goods acceptance:
• Are the order codes on the delivery note and the product sticker identical?
• Are the goods undamaged?
• Do the nameplate data match the ordering information on the delivery note?
• If required (see nameplate): Are the safety instructions (XA) provided?
If one of these conditions is not met, please contact the manufacturer's sales office.
Product identification
The following options are available for the identification of the measuring device:
• Nameplate specifications
• Extended order code with breakdown of the device features on the delivery note
Enter the serial number from the nameplates into
W@M Device Viewer
All the information about the measuring device and the scope of the associated
Technical Documentation are displayed.
Enter the serial number from the nameplate into the
Hauser Operations App
or use the
Hauser Operations App
to scan the 2-D matrix code (QR Code)
provided on the nameplate
All the information about the measuring device and the scope of the associated
Technical Documentation are displayed.
Manufacturer address
Hauser SE+Co. KG
Hauptstraße 1
79689 Maulburg, Germany
Place of manufacture: See nameplate.