Field Xpert
6 Device Xpert software
Special functions
The Device Xpert has special functions, including for example the quick and easy updating of DDs,
the display of envelope curves, a Favorites folder, a search function, XML export, device diagnosis
and an application help. This functionality, which makes it easier for you to configure and maintain
the device, is described as follows:
DD updates
- The Device Xpert software contains a device description library comprising
several hundred DDs, for which regular updates are available. Updating the DDs is done
quickly and easily via the Hauser online DD server. If you are connected to the
internet and there are updates available, the software will notify you automatically. A 2-year
upgrade contract can be purchased directly from your Hauser sales office.
For more details, please also read Section 6.3.2 Licenses.
Envelope curve
- The Device Xpert provides an envelope curve display for all Hauser
time-of-flight level transmitters. To activate the envelope curve, select "Device", "Enable
Device Extensions". This opens a window in which you can select the envelope curve for the
connected device. Click on this. A window appears, confirming that the envelope curve has
been activated. Confirm by selecting "OK". In the opened device description, you will now see
the envelope curve option. Select it, enter the parameters you require, and calculate the curve.
Favorites folder
- In every device description there is a Favorites folder with the name "My
'device names'". Here you can put all of the parameters which you would like to have
immediately to hand. To do this, click on the desired parameter for longer until a pop-up
window appears, select "Add to "My device names" and select "OK" to confirm. You can also
remove a parameter again by clicking on it for longer in the Favorites folder and thereby
removing it. This is particularly helpful in the case of complex devices with many parameters and
menu items.
Search function
- In the Device Xpert, all parameters are easy to find and to configure. If the
position of a specific parameter or special function in the device description is unknown, it can
be found by using the integrated search function. Select the magnifying glass icon in the lower
menu bar, and enter the parameter name you wish to search for (or part of it) into the text field.
Click on "Search". You will be provided with a list of all parameters containing your search
term. You can jump to them by clicking once into the menu and then back to the magnifying
glass icon for the next search result. This is particularly helpful in the case of complex devices
with many parameters and menu items. It means that you can even operate devices which you
are not familiar with, without a manual.
Device diagnosis
- The Device Xpert offers you a range of device status and diagnostic
information, which are provided by the device description. To find out the current status of
your device, click on "View", "Device status". The presence of a warning message is indicated
to you by a yellow triangle containing "!" in the upper right-hand corner.
Upload-download function
- This function enables device configurations to be saved in the
form of an upload image in the Device Xpert software. Using such an image, the Device Xpert
can reset the configuration of a device at any time to the status of the generated image. At the
same time, the upload image can be downloaded into a similar device (same manufacturer,
same hardware and software version). A comparison option in this function enables the user
to compare the configuration of the online device with the image, before continuing to
download into the device.