Fault removal
PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 (Elite)
Use an argon humidifier or an in-line filter to prevent further clogging
The nebulizer gas is set too low
Optimize the carrier gas flow
Adjustment on the analyte channel
Adjust the x/y offset for the method parameter in the P
window (see the online help or the ASpect PQ operating in-
There is a leak in the sample introduc-
tion system (sample and pump tubes)
Check the sample and pump tubes and their plug connectors
The windows in the plasma compart-
ment are dirty
Replace the windows
The transparency in the UV vacuum is
Check the duration of the purge gas flow; wait until the purge gas has
completely purged the spectrometer compartment
The sensitivity is too low
The cause and remedy are the same as
for the error indication
No signal
The measured value is too low
Calibration is incorrect
Check the calibration solutions
Low solubility substances lead to low
Low solubility substances are not com-
pletely digested
Optimize sample preparation
Volatile substances escape during sam-
ple preparation
Optimize sample preparation
There is a spectral interference in the
calibration standard
Use another analytical line
Error in the background correction
Select background correction points that are not spectrally disturbed
Better adjustment of a curved background by a non-linear correction func-
When using an internal standard
Wrong dosage
The internal standard is not in the linear range
select a lower concen-
tration for the internal standard
The adjustment of the response to changes in the plasma temperature is
1. Adjust the matrix
2. Find a better adjustment between the behavior of the analysis line and
the internal standard
Contamination/carry-over in the
cal/zero solution
Remedy the cause of carry-over/contamination
The sample solution is viscous / has a
higher density than the calibration solu-
1. Adjust the matrix (add to calibration solutions or dilute)
2. Use one/several internal standards
The pump tube is new
Wait until tube delivery is stable
The spray chamber is filled
Empty the spray chamber