Troubleshooting C-6
Encad 1000i Reference Guide
Introduction Printer Options Menu Tree Technical Info Error Messages Troubleshooting
Ink cartridges do not fire properly
Be sure that cartridges and the service station are cleaned periodically to maintain good print quality. (See the
Maintenance Guide.)
Cartridges may wear out after extended use. Try replacing the cartridge.
Store cartridges in a sealed container at room temperature when not in use for extended periods of time.
Make sure the protective tape is removed from the cartridges.
Remove the cartridge and reinstall it, or clean the electrical contact on the cartridge and carrier. Be sure it is
clean and dry. Be sure the cartridge is seated properly. (See the Quick Start Guide.)
Check that ink is being fed through the delivery lines. If necessary, prime the ink line by choosing
Utility Menu/
Prime Menu/Service Station Menu/Vacuum Prime.
Be sure the ink bottles are not empty.
Cartridges leaking
Ensure cartridges are installed correctly.
Ensure lines are primed and filled with ink.
Various nozzles are clogged or stop firing
Use the printer's Clean function;
Utility Menu/Prime Menu/Clean.
Repeat prime several times.
Remove, clean, and reinstall cartridge; repeat prime. Do not use alcohol on the jet area.
Clean service station; clean cartridge again; repeat prime.
Clean cartridge electrical contacts using a cotton swab moistened with water. Dry contact. Repeat prime. Do not
use acetone or any other harsh cleaner as this may cause damage to the flex cable.