Introduction 1-9
Encad 1000i Reference Guide
Introduction Printer Options Menu Tree Technical Info Error Messages Troubleshooting
Daily operation
Daily operation
Print the prime pattern. If it doesn’t look good, run the Clean
function (Utility Menu/Prime Menu/Clean). Repeat the prime.
Manually bypass any clogged jets.
Run a color test. (Service Menu/Diagnostics Menu/Color Test
Check colors. If colors are fine, start printing.
If there is a problem with the colors, run a color test. Verify
that the bands print a solid pattern.
If there are gaps in the lines, there may be clogged jets.
Manually bypass any clogged jets.
Changing Paper Rolls
Run the Line Length Test or Paper Calib Test. (Utility
Menu/Calibration Menu/Paper Calib Menu.)
Changing Cartridges
Run the color test and a prime test pattern.
Run the color deadband compensation test (Utility
Menu/Calibration Menu/Color Db Menu).
Run the vertical and horizontal calibrations. (Utility
Menu/Calibration Menu/Color Calibration Menu).
Periodic Cleaning
Clean the service station every 40 plot hours.
Clean the encoder strip every 20 plot hours.
Clean the slide shaft every 40 plot hours.
Clean the platen and flex driver cables every 75 plot hours.
Refer to the Maintenance Guide for instructions.