Error Messages B-1
Encad 1000i Reference Guide
Error Messages
Error Messages
Introduction Printer Options Menu Tree Technical Info Error Messages Troubleshooting
These display messages are helpful in determining the status of the printer and possible corrective action when operation
does not appear to be normal.
You can view the currently active alarms by choosing ALARMS on the main menu. A blinking asterisk on the
main menu indicates the presence of an alarm condition.
To view the alarm, press Alarms on the main menu. The alarms menu lists the error condition. If more than one
alarm condition exists, press the Next button on the Alarms menu to view other alarms. If you cannot clear the
error, record the message and the sequence of events leading to the message so that you can describe the
problem to technical support personnel.
Carriage axis failure
If the “Carriage Axis Failure” message is displayed, cycle the printer's power to clear the error.
The printer automatically performs tests on the cartridges and uses the information to improve image quality,
monitor cartridge life, and update the user with system status. Some tests are performed between prints and
require no user input, while others require user input.
The following table shows cartridge-related error messages and corrective actions.