eMotions TM 2005 Blosil Enterprises, LLC. Produced under License by OESD, Inc. All manual contents © 2005 OESD, Inc.
stitches are sewn. Stop the machine and trim the thread tail close
to the fabric.
When the machine is backed up to the point of the thread break, the
display shows the percent that has been completed. When START/
STOP is pushed, it will change to the percent of completion where
the thread break occurred.
Thread breaks happen occasionally but are not necessarily a warning
sign that something is wrong unless they are frequent. If thread
breaks occur very often, change the needle. Many times the
needle can become dull or have a spur or just be a tiny bit bent.
Replacing the needle is the easiest fix.
If changing the needle does not eliminate the frequent thread breaks
there may be a small piece of thread in the bobbin case. Clean the
bobbin case thoroughly using a small soft brush.
Old sewing thread is not recommended for use with your machine. Use
good quality embroidery thread such as Isacord or Poly Sheen.
Some specialty threads will work with your machine but may have
frequent thread breaks.
Bobbin Thread Breaks
Rarely does the bobbin thread break. But if it does break, carefully
remove the hoop from the machine. Check the bobbin to see if
there is thread on the bobbin. An empty bobbin can register a
thread break. Replace with a filled bobbin.
In the unlikely event that the bobbin thread is broken, remove the
bobbin and reinsert it or put in a full bobbin following the diagram
on the bobbin case.
eMotions Manual 7x9.indd 36
7/22/2005 11:11:20 AM