Solutions for your measurements
Radar Level Meter EMKOTDR-60| Emkometer,
s.r.o., Na Žižkově 1245, Ledeč n/S., 58401, CZ
tel/fax: 569 721 622 | tel: 569 720 539, 569 721
Used symbols
To ensure maximum safety of control processes, we have defined the following safety instructions and infor-
mation. Each instruction is labeled with the appropriate pictogram.
Alert, warning, danger
This symbol informs you about particularly important instructions for installation and operation
of equipment or dangerous situations that may occur during the installation and operation. Not
observing these instructions may cause disturbance, damage or destruction of equipment or
cause injury
This symbol indicates particularly important characteristics of the device.
This symbol indicates helpful additional information.
Valid for
In the border are the types
for which is intended the chapter.
All operations described in this instruction manual have to be carried out only by trained personnel or
an accredited person. Warranty and post warranty service must be exclusively carried out by the
Improper use, installation or set
up of the level meter can result in crashes in the application (overfill-
ing of the tank or damage of system components).
The manufacturer is not responsible for improper use, losses of work caused by either direct or indi-
rect damage, and for expenses incurred during installation or use of the level meter.
Measuring principle
radar level meters are compact measurement devices including
transmitter of microwave puls-
es, central processor unit and display module. The electronics transmits very short electrical pulses (0.5 ns),
which are linked to a one
wire transmission line (measuring electrode). Measuring electrode can be created of
or rope. The pulse propagates along the electrode in the form of electromagnetic wave toward the level
surface, where it is partly reflected and the reflected component is returned to the receiving module of the
electronics. The electronics measures the time of flight of electromagnetic wave and the instant distance to the
surface level is calculated. According to the level height, the level meter output is set and the measured value is
displayed on the display.
2. Range of applications
Radar level meters w
ith guided wave are suited to continuous level mesurement of various liquid, mush and
solid materials. Level meters are resistant against changes in the atmosphere (pressure, temperature,
dust, steam) and to changes in medium parameters (change in dielectric constant, conductivity).
All types