Solutions for your measurements
Radar Level Meter EMKOTDR-60| Emkometer,
s.r.o., Na Žižkově 1245, Ledeč n/S., 58401, CZ
tel/fax: 569 721 622 | tel: 569 720 539, 569 721
Maximum output parameters of intrinsically safe units must correspond with limit input parameters of the
level meter. In the evaluation of intrinsic safety of the circuit must be taken into account the parameters of the
connected cable (especially its inductance and capacitance).
The electrode part of the
Xi (XiT) can be placed in zone 0, the body with electronics can be placed
in zone 1. In zone 20 can be placed whole level meter.
16. Use, manipulation and maintenance
The level
meter does not require any personnel for its operation. Follow
up displaying device is used to inform
the technological entity operating personnel on the measured substance level height during the operation.
Maintenance of this equipment consists in verification of integrity of the level meter and of the supply cable.
Depending on the character of the substance measured, we recommend to verify at least once per year the
clarity of the ultrasound transducer emitting field and to clean it, respectively. In case any visible defects are
discovered, the manufacturer or reseller of this equipment must be contacted immediately.
The level meter must be installed to prevent tensile overload of the rope electrode.
It is forbidden to perform any modifications or interventions into the EMKOTDR-60 level meter
without manufacturer's approval. Potential repairs must be carried out by the manufacturer or by
a manufacturer authorized service organization only.
Installation, commissioning, operation and maintenance of the EMKOTDR-60
level meter has to be
carried out in accordance with this instruction manual; the provisions of regulations in force
regarding the installation of electrical equipment have to be adhered to.
17. Marking of labels
Level meters label data
Symbol of producer: logo
Country of origin: Made in Czech Republic
Level meter type:
–I E______ or EMKOTDR-60N _–__–
–M E______
Serial number: Ser. No.:
____ –
(from the left: production year, serial production number)
Supply voltage: U = 18 ... 36 V=
Output current range: I= 4 ... 20 mA
Ambient temperature range: t =
30 ... +70 °C
Protection class: IP67
Compliance mark:
Electro-waste take-
back system mark: