Shutter Control Select(Default =DIGITAL):
Shutter control output selection can be made with this
parameter. This parameter must be set ('ANL') for analog output, or ('DIG') for dihital output.
Lid Open Delay(sec)(Default =OFF):
If Cabinet door is opened much more time with this parameter value,
door open alarm is occur. This parameter is can be adjusted from 0 to 300 seconds.
When the parameter value is 300, if increment button is pressed, (OFF) is observed. In this time door open
alarm is passive.
Rotation Motor Feedback (Default =OFF):
Whether tray motor limit switch using can be made with this
parameter. If tray motor limit switch will be use this parameter value must be ON, otherwise parameter
value must be OFF.
Fan Speed (rpm)(Default = OFF )
Fan Speed alarm value is adjusted with this parameter. When the readed
fan speed value is lower than this parameter value Fan Alarm is occur.
This parameter value is adjusted from 1 to 30 000 rpm. When this parameter value is 1, if decrement button
is pressed, 'OFF' is observed. In this time Fan speed alarm is passive.
OutTemp Offset: (Default = 0)
This parameter is can be adjusted from -12.0°C to 12.0°C
ENG EGG HATCHER 02 V01 04/16