User Manual
Document no. / rev.: ROX000337352_AE
Hydraulic Retrieval Tool
The hydraulic retrieval tool is together with the service valve used to replace different devices (probes,
coupons, injection quills etc.) installed in traditional hydraulic access fittings during operation, meaning
that piping and vessels are pressurized.
It is strongly recommended that any work with the hydraulic retrieval tool is
conducted only by personnel that has undergone proper training and certification
The service valve can also be delivered as single isolation version, and the procedures for operation
and maintenance are similar as for the double isolation. Based on this the single isolation valve is not
further described in this document.
Figure 1: Hydraulic retriever and service valve
Hydraulic Retriever
The Double Acting Hydraulic Retriever is a tool designed for servicing all kinds of equipment that can
be installed into the access fittings. With the Double Acting Hydraulic Retriever, equipment can be
installed into or retrieved from access fittings while the pipe system is in normal operation, i.e. under full
operational pressure.
The Double Acting Hydraulic Retriever works as a hydraulic cylinder with a piston rod moving in and
The Double Acting Hydraulic Retriever is operated by either a manual (hand operated) hydraulic pump,
or an air-driven hydraulic pump.