User Manual
Document no. / rev.: ROX000337352_AE
Hydraulic Retrieval Tool
Online Installation of Device
The installation procedure starts where the retrieval procedure ended, i.e. with a hydraulic access fitting
on a pressurized line, without a plug inside, and with a closed service valve mounted onto the fitting to
contain the line pressure. Before starting the installation, make sure that the retriever is clean and
ready for use.
31. Replace the plug/probe assembly onto the connecting rod of the retrieval tool.
Set pump to “retrieve”, and pump until the end of the plug/probe has been
retracted 10-15cm into the retriever. Do not fully retract the rod to the bottom
of the retriever.
32. Check that the O-ring in front of the tool is in place, then lift the retriever onto
the service valve, screw the hammer nut onto to the valve and tighten it.
33. Set pump to “install”. Make sure that the bleed valve on the tool is closed.
34. If a double service valve is being used, open the by-pass valve for the upper
ball (closest to the retrieval tool), and then open the ball itself.
35. Open the by-pass valve for the lower ball (closest to the access fitting) and
then open the ball itself. The pressure in the retriever will now increase to line
36. If the pressure cannot be balanced – most likely due to dirt in the by- pass
valve – it will be difficult to open the service valve, especially when the line
pressure is high (above 50 bars). The pressure should then be balanced by
use of the pump.
To balance the pressures with the pump, use the following steps:
a. Set the pump to “Retrieve” and pump until the probe is fully retrieved
b. Install the back pressure quick coupling assembly on the bleed off valve.
Figure 7: Steps 31 - 36
Remember to close the safety nut on the quick couplings
Ensure that both balls are fully opened.