User Manual
Document no. / rev.: ROX000337352_AE
Hydraulic Retrieval Tool
47. Clean the end of the plug, and especially the hole where the connecting rod was mounted. Remove
all the dirt and moisture carefully.
48. Lubricate the end of the access fitting with anti-seize grease to
prevent the sealing surface to be corroded etc.
49. Check external threads on the hydraulic access fitting. Lubricate
them properly.
50. Put on the heavy duty protective cover. Tighten properly with a
pipe wrench. A torque of 500Nm is recommended. This will take
the load off the locking pins. Then tighten locking pins only lightly.
Do not tighten the locking pins too hard, since the heavy-duty
cover would then become loose. Finally, add the yellow plastic
protective caps.
51. Reinstall the pipe plug nut or, if applicable, the probe cable.
52. Clean up the area and move to next location.
Troubleshooting Guide
At any time during the retrievals operation you have the right to stop the job if at any time you do not
feel comfortable with the situation.
1. If you feel a location may be damaged or could cause an issue during online retrieval operations
make note of the findings / issues, notify the client that the location will require further investigation /
repair during a planned shutdown and move on to the next location.
2. If leaks are discovered when removing the cover nut repeat steps 2-5 one more time. If the leaks
cannot be stopped, then put the cover back on and tighten it. Leave the access fitting until a more
thorough inspection can be performed during the next shut down of the system. If pressure proof
cover: Check gauge. If pressure, open cover bleed valve, release pressure and close. If no
pressure build-up, remove cover to continue. If pressure builds inside the cover, stop the operation.
3. The locking pins should be easy to loosen. If they are difficult to loosen (high friction), the pressure
in the cylinder might be too low. The pins must then be tightened, and the pressure increased
before the pins are loosened again. IMPORTANT! The locking pins should only be screwed out
until the head of the pin is flush with the outside of the access fitting. No threads must be visible. If
the pins are unscrewed too far, they will leak when the plug is retrieved.