Altering CUB Configuration Using The Hand-Held Terminal
The MultiFlex CUB Hand-Held Interface • 49
Section, Comb Method
for the
start of the HHT screen list for CUB.
Condenser Setpoints
Condenser Setpoints
The two fields on this screen show the strat-
egy being used and the number of condenser
fans being controlled.
The control strategy is fixed to TD for CUB-
TD. For CUB using Traditional (Pressure) strat-
egy, refer to
Section, Condenser SPs
Number of Fans
Set the number of condenser fans to be con-
trolled by the TD Strategy (four maximum).
TD Strat Info
TD Strategy Information
The three fields under the TD Strat Info
heading show the minimum and maximum set-
points of the drop leg temperature.
Drop Leg Minimum
If the drop leg temperature falls below this
setpoint, the fans will stage OFF using
Drop Leg Maximum
If the drop leg temperature rises above this
setpoint, the fans will stage ON using FanOnDly.
Drop Leg Offset
A way of adding or subtracting an offset to
the drop leg temperature sensor reading, if
needed to tune the individual condensing unit.
TD Max
TD Maximum
The TD setpoint that is maintained by
cycling fans ON and OFF.
TD Deadband
The deadband forms a range of TD values
equally above and below the setpoint within
which the control TD value is considered to be
within limits.
Fan On Delay
This setpoint defines the amount of time (in
seconds) that must elapse between activation of
fan stages.
Fan Off Delay
This setpoint defines the amount of time (in
seconds) that must elapse between deactivation
of fan stages.
Comb Method
Combination Method
field is significant only if
you are using the Temperature compressor con-
trol strategy.
The Combination Method determines how
multiple case temperature sensors in the case cir-
cuit will be combined into a single control tem-
perature value for use in comparing to the
temperature setpoint. There are five strategies to
choose from:
- The average value of all case temperature in-
Condenser SPs
Strategy: TD
Num Fans: 4
TD Strat Info
Dleg Min: 70
Dleg Max: 100
Dleg Off: 0
NOTE: The following screens are only for
TD Max: 15
TD DBand: 1
FanOnDly: 30S
FanOffDly: 30S
CombMeth: Avg
Temp SetPt: -12
Temp DdBnd: 5
Mix %: 50%