2 • MultiFlex CUB-II and CUB-TD I&O Guide
026-1705 Rev 7 06-APR-2010
Mounting and Power-
The MultiFlex boards are usually mounted
by the refrigeration equipment manufacturer.
Therefore, the installer need only make the nec-
essary connections between the boards and the
site controller(s).
In some instances, an installer may be
required to mount an I/O board. There are no
restrictions on the location of these boards; how-
ever, for ease of network configuration, it is rec-
ommended that the boards be located adjacent to
the E2 or Einstein. I/O boards may be mounted
without an enclosure, but they should be
mounted in a location that is not easily accessi-
ble to avoid tampering or damage.
2.1. Snap-Track Installation
MultiFlex boards not supplied in a custom
panel or other enclosure are supplied with a
snap-track for easy installation. The insulation
sheet and I/O board must be removed from the
track before the track is mounted. The snap-track
is mounted using the 0.1875” mounting slots.
Figure 2-1
shows this installation procedure.
Figure 2-2
provides mounting dimensions
for the MultiFlex board.
Figure 2-1 - MultiFlex Snap-Track Mounting
Figure 2-2 - MultiFlex Board Dimensions