M1XSLZW Instruction Manual
Page 16
Below are Elk-RP Rule examples being used to control Lights, Thermostats, and Locks.
STEP 7 - Rule Examples and Advanced M1XSLZW Options
Rule 1 - Activates Save Energy
Task* when Armed Away.
Rule 2 - Task* "Save Energy"
turns off lights and sets back
HVAC (Thermostat) to save $$.
Rule 3 - Activates Welcome
Home Task* when Disarmed.
Rule 4 - Task* "Welcome Home"
turns on some lights and sets
HVAC to 69 & 72 deg.
Rule 5 - Task* "At Home" adjusts
lights in Groups.
Rule 6 - Locks door #1 as soon
as exit delay expires following
System Arming.
Rule 7 - Locks door #1 just
as soon as Front Door closes
following System Arming. The
door will get locked no matter
whether Rule 6 or 7 fires first.
Rule 8 - Turns on Foyer Lights
when entry delay begins AND it
is dark outside.
Rule 9 - Turns on Hallway light-
ing Group when hallway motion
is detected.
Rule 10 - Automatically turns
some lights Off at 11:00PM.
Rule 11 - Turns Out15 ON
when text string <LOCK1^M
is received. Another rule is
needed to turn Out15 OFF when
<ULOCK1^M is received.
* Tasks are like macros and can
be handy for optimizing or saving
rule space. The same task can
be activated by any of several
rules and conditions.