Page 9 of 24 M6493 Issue 10.3
6.1. Maximum consideration to environmental issues within the design and
manufacturing process without compromising end product performance and value.
Packaging materials have been selected such that they may be sorted for
At the end of your product and accessories life, it must not be discarded as
domestic waste. Ref: EU Directive 2002/96/EC on Waste Electrical and Electronic
Equipment Directive (WEEE). Please contact your distributor / supplier for further
information. For end users outside of the EU consult applicable regulations.
6.4. This product should only be dismantled for recycling by an authorised recycling
This product and accessories must be accompanied by a completed
Decontamination Certificate prior to any disposal.
Copies of the Certificate are
available from your distributor of Bibby Scientific products, or you may copy
and enlarge from ‘Appendix A’ of this instruction book.
Bibby Scientific’s Electrothermal branded product range is registered with the Environment Agency under the name of as
Electrothermal Engineering Limited as being a producer of WEEE (Waste Electronic and Electrical Equipment) through b2b
an authorised waste collection compliance scheme.