XDI200 Manual Version 0.1
- Page 56 -
©2017 Electromotive, Inc.
Available General Purpose Input (GPI) Functons
Ignition Advance Trim:
Trims the ignition advance angle by a set amount through the use of a
potentiometer. See
Figure 60
for wiring diagram.
GPO Trim #1
#2 :
These functions allow the user to add or subtract up to 50 percent Duty
Cycle from the values established in the GPO table specified by the trim number. GPO Trim #1
only effects table 1, GPO Trim #2 only effects table 2. See
Figure 60
for wiring diagram.
A/C Idle Speed Increase:
installations with an idle air control motor, this feature
allows the idle speed to be increased when the air conditioner is turned on. See
Figures 61 and
for recommended wiring.
Valet Switch:
When a speed input is used, the valet switch allows the user to set a speed limit
on the vehicle. The rev limiter will be activated when the desired speed is reached. See
for wiring diagram.
Nitrous Retard:
Provides a set amount of ignition timing retard when nitrous is activated. When
used with the Electromotive 4-stage timing retard module, the NOS Retard should be set to
(consult the 4-Stage Nitrous Retard Instructions for wiring). When used with a potentiometer, the
timing will be retarded linearly from 0 to 30 degrees when a 0 to +5 volt signal is placed on a GP
I/O input (channels 2-9). See
Figure 63
for wiring diagram.
Speed Input:
The speed input is on pin 34 Orange/Black. The speed input allows the input of a
frequency-based signal. Many late-model vehicles use electric speedometers that use either Hall
effect or reluctor triggering mechanisms. These are both compatible with the
input. Depending on the location of the speed input trigger wheel, you must configure the
software to calibrate the speed input signal to the actual vehicle speed. See
Figure 65
for typical
sensor wiring.
Timed Advance:
When voltage (either 12v or 5v) is applied to the chosen GP I/O channel this
function allows the user to add or subtract up to 30 degrees of timing for up to 2 secs. in .05 sec.
increments. Timing will ramp up (advance) in the time specified (up to 2 seconds in .05 sec.
increments) or down (retard) when the channel is switched on. Switching the channel off will
ramp the timing back to the values in the Ignition Advance Table, the ramp back will happen in
the specified time programmed by the user within the software.
Datalog Enable:
Allows the use of on board data logging function. Options are RPM to begin
data logging and Frequency (5, 10, 20 Hz) sampling rate. Wires the same as any input that is
switched, such as the Valet Rev Limiter.
Voltage Input:
No options, it just gives you a recordable voltage from 0
– 5 volts.
Timed Ignition Cut:
option for shifting requires minimum RPM and minimum MAP value,
amount of time for ignition cut in milliseconds, amount of time before ignition can be cut again.
Finally, there is an option to pull to 12v (activate high) or pull to 0v (activate low). Additionally, the
line must be released before the channel can be activated again.