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Technické informace se nacházejí na v˘robním ‰títku, kter˘ je umístûn˘ nalevo uvnitfi spotfiebiãe.

Hluãnost (dB/A)


ERC 2521








Objem chladniãky - brutto (l)

Rozmûry (v˘‰ka x ‰ífika x hloubka, cm)

Napûtí (V/HZ)

Spotfieba energie (kW/24 h)

Objem chladniãky - netto (l)

Klimatická tfiída


JesliÏe spotfiebiã správnû nefunguje, zkontrolujte, zda:

zástrãka je pevnû zasunuta do zásuvky ve stûnû
a hlavní spínaã je zapnut˘;

síÈ je pod napûtím (vyzkou‰ejte zapojením jiného
spotfiebiãe do zásuvky);

koleãko termostatu je nastaveno do správné

pokud se na dnû chladniãky nachází voda,
zkontrolujte, zda nedo‰lo k ucpání odtokového
otvoru rozmrazené vody (viz. ãást

jestliÏe po vykonání v‰ech pfiede‰l˘ch kontrol
spotfiebiã stále správnû nefunguje, spojte se s
nejbliωím servisním stfiediskem.

Chcete-li obdrÏet co nejrychlej‰í servisní sluÏbu, je
tfieba pfii Ïádosti uvést model a sériové ãíslo
spotfiebiãe, které jsou uvedeny na záruãním listû
nebo na v˘robním ‰títku uvnitfi spotfiebiãe, na levé
spodní stranû.



Unplug the appliance before carrying out

any maintenance operation.


This appliance contains hydrocarbons in its cooling
unit; maintenance and recharging must therfore only
be carried out by authorized technicians.

Periods of non-operation

When the appliance is not in use for long periods,
take the following precautions:

remove the plug from the wall socket;

remove all food;

defrost and clean the interior and all accessories;

leave the door ajar to allow air to circulate to prevent
unpleasant smells.

Periodic cleaning

Clean the inside with warm water and bicarbonate of
soda. Rinse and dry thoroughly.

Many proprietary kitchen surface cleaners
contain chemicals that can attack/damage the
plastics used in this appliance. For this reason it
is recommended that the outer casing of this
appliance is only cleaned with warm water with a
little washing-up liquid added.

Clean the

condenser (black grill) and the compressor at the
back of the appliance with a brush or a vacuum
cleaner. This operstion will improve the performance
of the appliance and save electricity consumption.

Illumination lamp

If it becomes necessary to replace the lamp, press 
on the rear hook and at the same time 
slide the cover in the direction indicated by the arrow.


Replace the lamp with one of the same power (the
maximum power is shown on the light diffuser).

Summary of Contents for ERC 2521


Page 2: ...fiízení otoãena ke stûnû JestliÏe se elektrospotfiebiã pfiepravuje ve vodorovné poloze mÛÏe se stát Ïe olej obsaÏen v kompresoru vyteãe do mrazícího okruhu Pfied uvedením elektrospotfiebiãe do chodu je nutno poãkat alespoÀ dvû hodiny neÏ olej pfieteãe zpût do kompresoru Ochrana prostfiedí Tento pfiístroj neobsahuje v okruhu chlazení ani v izolaci plyny které jsou kodlivé pro ozón Elektrospotfiebiã se nesmí...

Page 3: ...raza V takovém pfiípadû bude tfieba nastavit teplotu na ponûkud vy í hodnotu ãímÏ umoÏníte automatické odmraÏení námrazy a sníÏíte spotfiebu energie Chlazení ãerstv ch potravin Zásady pro dosaÏení dobr ch v sledkÛ neukládejte do chladniãky teplá jídla nebo odpafiující se tekutiny potraviny pfiikryjte nebo zabalte zvlá tû jestliÏe mají silné aroma potraviny rozmisÈujte tak aby vzduch mohl kolem volnû pr...

Page 4: ... co nejménû Láhve s mlékem mûly by b t uzavfieny víãkem a uloÏeny v poliãce pro lahve ve dvefiích Banány brambory cibule a ãesnek pokud nejsou zabaleny nelze je skladovat v chladniãce 30 INSTALLATION Location The appliance should be installed well away from sources of heat such as radiators boilers direct sunlight etc For safety reasons minimum ventilation must be as shown in Fig Appliance positione...

Page 5: ...pfiíjemn zápach Svûtlo Pro pfiípadnou v mûnu Ïárovky stisknûte zadní úchytku a souãasnû sejmûte kryt ve smûru ipek Pozor Nová Ïárovka musí mít stejn v kon jako pÛvodní Ïárovka maximální v kon je uveden na difuzéru svûtla 29 TECHNICAL INFORMATION The technical infomation are situated in the rating plate on the internal left side of the appliance Noise db A Model ERC 2521 248 243 140x60x62 5 220 240 5...

Page 6: ...e a anebo nádoby které se dot kají navzájem Oddûlte uvnitfi spotfiebiãe nádoby jednu od druhé Tic Tic Hluãnost 28 Defrosting Frost is automatically eliminated from the evaporator of the refrigerator compartment every time the motor compressor stops during normal use The defrost water drains out through a trough into a special container at the back of the appliance over the motor compressor where it ...

Page 7: carrying out any maintenance operation Warning This appliance contains hydrocarbons in its cooling unit maintenance and recharging must therfore only be carried out by authorized technicians Periods of non operation When the appliance is not in use for long periods take the following precautions remove the plug from the wall socket remove all food defrost and clean the interior and all accessor...

Page 8: ...tranû pfiístroje Uvolnûte roubek zasaìte rozpûrky pod hlaviãku roubku a roubek utáhnûte 26 Positioning the door shelves To permit storage of food packages of various sizes the door shelves can be placed at different heights To make these adjustments proceed as follows Gradually pull the shelf in the direction of the arrows until it comes free then reposition as required D338 Movable shelves The wal...

Page 9: ...ermostat knob to the O position Temperature regulation The temperature is automatically regulated and can be increased to achieve a higher temperature warmer by rotating the thermostat knob toward min settings or reduced colder rotating the knob towards max settings However the exact setting should be chosen keeping in mind that the temperature inside the refrigerator depends on room temperature h...

Page 10: ... Rear spacers 30 Installation Electrical connection 31 Installation Changing the opening direction of the door 32 Do not place carbonated or fizzy drinks in the freezer as it creates pressure on the container which may cause it to explode resulting in damage to the appliance Do not use a mechanical device or any artificial means to speed up the thawing process other than those recommended by the m...

Page 11: ... Service Hanusova ul 140 21 Praha 4 Bezplatn telefonnÌ INFOLINKA 800 160016 23 WARNINGS It is most important that this instruction book should be retained with the appliance for future reference Should the appliance be sold or transferred to another owner or should you move house and leave the appliance always ensure that the book is supplied with the appliance in order that the new owner can be a...
