© 2020, Electrolab, Inc.
March 2020
Set Temperature Offset
uu = unit number
soo = -99 to 99 (optional sign)
Response: UuuOFOK
Set Multiple Temperature Sensor Offsets
uu = unit number
n = temperature sensor identifier (1-8, 1 is at top) so.o = -9.9 to 9.9 degrees (optional sign)
Response: UuuTnOOK
Set Receive to Transmit Delay
uu = unit number
mmm = milliseconds (50 to 250). The default is 127ms.
Response: UuuROK
Set 4-20mA Poll Period
uu = unit number
pppp = seconds (Default is 30 seconds)
Response: UuuMPOK
Note: Poll Periods less than 20 seconds may shorten the life expectancy of the 4/20mA
converter board. The relay (which power cycles the sensor to reduce power consumption)
is rated for 10,000,000 cycles.
Set 4-20mA Minimum (4mA) Range
uu = unit number
mm.mm = level for 4mA output (Default is 00.00)
Response: UuuMINOK
Set 4-20mA Maximum (20mA) Range
uu = unit number
mmm.mm = level for 20mA output in inches (Default is 240.00”) Example: For 20-foot long
sensors = 240.00
Response: UuuMAXOK
Set the Level Error Setting (Version 3.09 and Higher)
uu = unit number
x = 0 will set the level error report to be 999.99. This is the default setting.
x = 1 will set the level error report to be 000.00.
Response: UuuSETERROK