© 2020, Electrolab, Inc.
March 2020
Assign Unit Number to Sensor with the Corresponding SN# (v3.15 or higher)
sssssss= seven-digit serial number
nn= two-digit unit number
Response: UuuNOK
uu = new unit number
UuuEEerr Write to EEPROM failed
Set Baud Rate
bbbb[b] = 1200, 9600, 14400, 19200, or 38400, (9600 is default); 57600 (v3.15 and higher)
pds = parity, data length, stop bit (pds options)
N81 (default) E71
For example, to program Unit 00 to 9600 E 7 1 would be U00B9600E71
Note: It is not necessary to power down the Model 2100 before this command takes
effect. The Model 1000 must have power cycled for this command to take effect.
Response: UnnBOK
Set Number of Floats
uu = unit number
n = float number (1 or 2 – Standard; 11 or 12 – 1/8” Resolution; 11 – Single Float; 12 – Dual
Response: UuuFOK
Set Level Offset
UuuLOslll Sets the offset for the level sensor
uu = unit number
sIIlI = sign and offset with two implied decimal places
Note: If two floats, assign the same offset to both
Response: UuuOLOK
Set Level Offsets for Individual Floats
UuuL[1|T]Oslll.ll Sets the top float offset.
Example of setting top level offset for Unit 00 to 2.25 inches - U00L1O2.25
UuuL[2|B]Oslll.ll Sets the bottom float offset. (Dual Float Sensor only)
Example of setting bottom level offset for water interface to 1.75 inches - U00L2O1.75
uu = unit number
slll.ll = sign and offset with two implied decimal places. The Plus (+) sign is assumed.
The Minus (-) must precede the offset value if required.
If no decimal places are required, then you do not need to add to value.
Note: "O" in the command is the letter O and not the number zero
Response: UuuLOOK