1.1.1. Digital Part
In master operation, the 82Hz sinusoidal sweep is fed to the voltage controlled oscillator
(VCO). The VCO generates the swept and digitalized 8.2MHz signal. This frequency
modulated signal is digitally amplified (FET power amplifier), filtered to get a clean
analog output signal and finally radiated by the antenna. If the current exceeds the
allowed limit (short circuits, wrong antenna etc.) the power amplifier will shut slowly
down, because it is temperature controlled. This action is indicated by a red LED
(overloaded = OFF).
In slave operation, the swept HF signal is optically received, converted and regenerated. It
can then be used to directly feed the power amplifier. A set of jumpers (J14 and J15) is
used to switch between master and slave operation. Jumper J4 is used to select the desired
sweep frequency.
If the board is equipped with two opto transmitters (bi-opto TX3000 board), the swept HF
signal will be automatically output (see section 4). This allows the synchronization of two
additional transmitters.
1.1.2. Analog Part
Different antenna types can to be connected to the relevant output circuit (connector X4).
The TX3000-mounted matching circuits and harmonic suppression filters are optimized
for use with 200 Ohm antennas.
The TX3000 is not designed to drive other types of antennas. All equipment
and system guarantees will be lost and all field support will be charged if other types of
antennas are used without our written approval of OEA.
1.1.3. Power Supply / Filter Part
The TX3000 can be powered (connector X1/IN) by DC as well as AC power supplies.
The integrated power line filters:
suppress noise between the electronics and the power line
suppress conducted noise on the power line itself.
The filtered power is available at connector X2/OUT and can be used to feed other
equipment(TX3000, RX3000). For additional information, see section 2, TX3000 Filter