3.2. TX3000 Opto
Synchronization Setting
On the
TX3000 board are two Opto synchronization output sockets and one Opto
synchronization input socket.Synchronization output sockets are TX1(Opto Out1) and
TX2(Opto Out2);Synchronization input socket is RX1(Opto In).
3.2.1. TX3000 Opto Synchronization
Output Setting (master )
• J15 must be 2-3 IN (refer to the figure of TX Layout3);
• Optical fiber transmitter use HFBR-14X4 series,Optical jumper socket is
ST,and 62.5/125
µm multimode fibre;
The system provide two Opto output,TX1 is the first output socket(Opto Out1),
TX2 is the second output socket(Opto Out2).The connection mode of the Optical fiber
transmitter to socket refers to the figure of TX Layout 1.
If you use only one Opto synchronization output,you must use TX1output(Opto
Out1),and J11 should be IN.Or it will fail.
If you use two Opto synchronization outputs,J11 should be OUT. Or it can not
achieve the second synchronization(Opto Out2).
E.g. If connect TX1 and TX2 refer to the figure TX Layout 1,J11 is OUT and
J15 is 2-3IN,it can achieve two ways Opto synchronization output.
3.2.2. TX3000 Opto synchronization
Input Setting (slave)
J14 must be 1-2 IN
J15 must be 1-2 IN
Optical fiber receiver use HFBR-24X6 series,Optical jumper receiver
specification is same to the optiacal fiber transmitter.
The system's optical input is RX1(Opto In),insert optical receiver in RX1,J14 must be 1-2
IN,J15 must be 1-2 IN,so it can achieve Opto synchronization input.
Please refer to figure TX Layout 4: