3.1.3. TX3000 Cable Synchronization
Since the TX3000 can be used as a synchronization master, repeater or slave, installations
can be flexibly configured.
The optically transmitted synchronization signal may be repeated only once; therefore no
synchronization repeater should ever feed another repeater if there has no master. The
TX3000 board of level 1 (bi-opto version, configured as master) feeds the
synchronization signal to the two TX3000 boards of level 2 (bi-opto version, configured
as slave). The TX3000 board of level 2 can also feeds the synchronization signal of the
level 1 to the TX3000 boards of level 3.
A basic configuration following this rule is shown below:
If a system consists of more than seven transmitters, a master rack has to be used as a
synchronization source.