Eelectron SpA, Via Monteverdi 6,
I-20025 Legnano (MI), Italia
Tel: +39 0331.500802 Fax:+39 0331.564826
E-mail: [email protected] Web:
C.F. e P.IVA 11666760159
Tribunale di Milano 359157-8760-07
CCIAA Milano 148549
desired setpoint, the heat / cool valve closes. To
select the fan speed used in ventilation mode the
mode the ventilation stops when setpoint is
reached. It is also possible to make the "ventilation"
mode always active without having to turn it on / off
via a communication object.
2nd Stage Object
The 2nd Stage object is an additional control object
for the regulation of a second heating or cooling
equipment; a 1-bit or 1-byte control can be set for
this object; if the control is a byte it is possible to set
PI control (Proportional Integral). With the
"Bandwidth" parameter you set how much the
current setpoint is shifted to manage the switching
on and off of the equipment controlled by the 2nd
stage object. For example, if the setpoint is 20 ° C
and "Bandwidth" is set = 1 then the setpoint for the
part controlled by the 2nd stage object will be 20-1
= 19 ° C; vice versa if "Bandwidth" is = -1 then the
2nd stage setpoint will be 20 - (- 1) = 20 + 1 = 21 ° C.
If the equipment controlled by 2nd Stage is
a 1,2 or 3-speed fan coil it is suggested to set the
2nd stage as 1 Byte and to send the control value %
in the logic called "proportional speed/fancoil
conversion" to have 1 bit output objects for the 3
Temperature probe failure / out of range
If the temperature probe is disconnected or
in short circuit the control action is
interrupted and the controlled actuators are
switched off.
The value of temperature sent on the bus in
case of probe disconnection or short circuit or
for out of range measured value is 0 °C
(according to KNX DPT_Value_Temp 9.001)
Temperature alarm object
Alarm objects are available for each thermostat and
for each temperature probe; in case of probe failure
or out of range measurement, a telegram with value
"1" is sent to the bus on a 1-bit communication
object; as soon as the temperature sensor is
operating again, the value "0" is transmitted.
To correctly manage the internal or rear sensor or
KNX sensor via bus, refer to the following
configuration modes:
Probe connected to input 3
if the temperature probe is disconnected or short-
circuited, the monitoring action is interrupted and the
controlled actuators are deactivated.
probe / short circuit disconnection / out of range
Obj "Temperature" is not send
Obj "Alarm" send "1"
Only KNX temperature via bus
The KNX probe is read considering the last value
received on the Obj "KNX probe temperature".
If the KNX probe value is out of range or the
monitoring time expires:
Obj "Alarm" send "1" until KNX temperature is
received again.
Mix of probe connected to input and KNX
temperature via bus
The KNX probe is read by considering the last value
received on the OBJ "KNX temperature probe".
The value of the temperature sent on the bus is the
weighted average between the values of the front
probe and KNX.
If the value of the KNX probe is out of range or the
monitoring time expires without having received any
message, the thermostat starts by considering only
the other probe until it receives a new valid value
from the KNX probe; in this case the bus value is again