Eelectron SpA, Via Monteverdi 6,
I-20025 Legnano (MI), Italia
Tel: +39 0331.500802 Fax:+39 0331.564826
E-mail: [email protected] Web:
C.F. e P.IVA 11666760159
Tribunale di Milano 359157-8760-07
CCIAA Milano 148549
Illuminance hysteresis
50..500 Lux
It defines the hysteresis band used for switching the light
on and off, with values that are too low the band will be
narrow and the light could be on and off more frequently.
Semi-automatic presence
In semiautomatic modes, presence is activated by a
manual command (button); the sensor receives this
telegram and triggers the command to switch on
the lights. There is a 1-bit object for telegram
<Channel x> Command for semiautomatic 1 bit | CW
Manual command
activation telegram
This parameter selects which telegram activates the
Let's assume that telegram "1" is selected as the
manual activation telegram; when this telegram is
received, the light switches on.
If the opposite telegram ("0") is sent, the sensor:
turns the light off if in the time elapsed between
the reception of telegram "1" and telegram "0" it
has not detected any presence or movement.
ignores the telegram if in the time elapsed
between the reception of telegram "1" and
telegram "0" has already detected a presence or
ignores the telegram if it is the first telegram it
receives (telegram "0" has not been sent
The functions and parameters of this mode are the
same as in the
Simple Presence
Semi-automatic presence illuminance
In this mode, the sensor is activated by a manual
command, i.e. a 1 bit telegram which is sent on the
bus and received by the sensor (see 0 Semi-
The functions and parameters of this mode are the
same as those for automatic
presence Illuminance
Constant illuminance
This channel is independent of presence detection
and manages the constant lighting of the
environment in which it is installed.
The desired lux level is set with a setpoint value that
can be changed from the bus while the brightness
is managed by objects with % format:
<Channel x> Illuminance setpoint
2 bytes | CW
<Channel x> Output brightnees Zone 1 1 byte | CRT
The environment in which the detector performs
constant brightness control can be divided into
The sensor is typically placed in the center of the
room and detects the brightness at that point, the
controlled environment could have greater lighting
in the areas near the windows and less in the more
distant areas.
Assuming that in the environment there are lights
arranged in parallel rows, it is possible to group the
lights of the same row up to a maximum number of
5 rows (zones).
In ETS it is defined which is the "master" zone, that
is the one where the sensor is located. For each
other zone it is possible to define an offset to be
applied to the command calculated for the master
zone. The Offset value ranges from -100% to + 100%
and indicates the percentage to adjust the lighting
level control. In the hypothesis that the sensor is
placed in the center of the room and that the
windows are on one side only (as in the figure); the
areas near the windows will have a negative offset