Ed!son –Instrument Editor
The voice architecture of the WAMI BOX is based on subtractive synthesis.
Audio signal generation
Before you can hear a sound, it has to be generated. As you already know, the
WAMI BOX's instrument sounds are based on wave files. Playing a wave file is
not an art form - the cheapest sound cards will do the job. Things get interesting
when playing a wave file as an instrument voice, in other words in multiple voices
and at any (musically appropriate) pitch.
To put it briefly: Unlike other sound cards, our WAMI BOX has its own onboard
sample RAM which permits the instant reproduction of all of the samples stored
there at any required pitch. And that at up to 64 voices simultaneously!
Ed!son's audio signal generation parameters can be found in the OSC field.
Signal shaping
While the signal generation section described above is playing our sample in the
desired pitch, the signal can be altered and manipulated - or shaped - over a wide
range. This is performed by reducing specific frequency ranges. The frequency
above which these signal components are filtered out can be adjusted and is
Signal shaping
Audio signal generation