Ed!son –Instrument Editor
Program Change is a MIDI command to change instrument sounds.
Release is the term for the fade phase of an envelope. The release phase starts
when the keyboard is released.
Root key designates the original pitch of an instrument sample.
Sample is another term for an audio file used in a sampler.
Sample loop is a process which shortens long samples or artificially lengthens
short samples. This is primarily used to conserve >sample RAM.
Sample RAM is a special memory type used to store >samples for playback at
any required pitch.
Soundset is the term for a collection of instruments. WAMI BOX soundsets can
be recognized by the file endings TTS or 94B.
Split is an Ed!son term referring to a keyboard zone which has a sample assigned
to it. A >multi-sample or drumkit is made up of several splits.
Sustain is the level at which an envelope remains until the key is released or the
sustain time has elapsed.
Wave format is a format defined by Microsoft to exchange or archive audio data.