Ed!son –Instrument Editor
Slope Q determines the slope of the touch dynamics for the filter resonance. A
positive value will cause the resonance to increase with an increase in velocity; a
negative value will cause it to drop.
Offset adds a constant value to the cutoff frequency. The Offset can be toggled
with the button on the right.
Adjust the global volume, panorama and effect share of the sound in this section.
In addition, you can determine whether, and with which modulator, and the degree
to which the volume will be modulated.
Volume controls the global volume of the sample.
Keyb. Table determines which keyboard table will control the volume. No
keyboard table is applied in the off position.
Panorama controls the stereo positioning of the sample.
LFO2 amt. determines the intensity with which LFO2 should modulate the volume.
Active toggles the LFO modulation.
EG3 active toggles the volume modulation through envelope generator EG3.
Velocity sets an offset for the effect of touch dynamics on the output volume.
Active toggles the velocity modulation.