Ed!son –Instrument Editor
Part 2: Operation
2.1 The Ed!son user interface
The Ed!son user interface corresponds to the appearance of an analog
synthesizer. This is a good analogy, since Ed!son's fundamental architecture is
basically identical to that of a synthesizer. Instrument sounds are created and
edited on a single Ed!son screen. Ed!son has only a small number of menus which
are mainly required for global settings, or for the file management of the
soundsets and instrument sounds.
Beginners shouldn't worry about the large number of controls. A closer look at
Ed!son's user interface will show that many parameters and function groups are
present several times. The envelope generators, for example, are present three
times, but only need to be understood once. The same goes for the LFOs and the
velocity/slope/offset parameters. The actual functions of these individual
parameters are covered in Part 3 of this documentation, the reference section.
Ed!son is divided into logical sections with regard to its appearance and functions.
First, there's the basic elements of subtractive voice architecture, pitch (OSC),
filters (FILTER) and volume (OUTAMP). Next, there's the modulators, in this
case 2 LFOs and three envelope generators (EG 1 to EG 3). The keyboard tables,
which are used for keyboard-related modulations, are located below the third