CADENCE II Fetal Monitor User Manual
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adequately ruptured and sufficient cervical dilatation assured.
2) Try to insert the catheter opposite the placental site. Do not insert the introducer
beyond the cervical OS. Use it with caution when uterine infection is present.
3) If resistance is met at any time during insertion, withdraw the catheter slightly and
try at a different angle. Forced insertion may result in patient’s discomfort or injury.
1) Since procedures vary according to hospital needs/ preferences, it is the
responsibility of the hospital staff to determine exact policies and procedures for
both monitoring and amnioinfusion. The safe and effective use of the IUPC depends
on the skill of the clinician who applies / uses it.
2) Read
Directions For Use of Disposable IUPC
prior to insertion. The Product has
been sterilized by gamma radiation and is sterilized and non-pyrogenic unless
package is broken or open. Do not re-sterilize it.
Refer to the instruction on the package for more information about using the IUPC.
7.6.3 Operation Procedure
Insert IUPC using the procedure described in section
7.6.2 Directions for Use of IUPC
Connect the IUPC to the IUP cable. (See figure 7-7)
Figure 7-7 Connect catheter to pressure cable
Connect the IUP cable to the connecting cable. (They might have already been well
connected in the package.)
Plug the connecting cable to the TOCO/IUP socket of the monitor.
Momentarily pressing the re-zero button on the IUP cable. The green light on the cable will
flash for five seconds. During this time, zero the monitor by pressing the
Make sure the display value and trend are both “0”.
Ask the mother to cough. A spike on the trend in response to the cough indicates proper
positioning and function of the IUPC.
Wash timely during monitoring. A spike on the tracing will respond to the washing.