Grill guidance
Please refer to the related information of the bake temperature and time which shown
on the food packaging. When you are familiar with use of the oven, you can follow your
own habits to set the cooking temperature and time.
If you are using hot-air circulation for cooking, you should refer to the pattern of such
proposals of cooking on the food packaging.
Ensure complete thawing frozen food before cooking, unless a mark of "cook from
frozen" appears on food packaging.
You should pre-heat the oven and not place food inside of it until the oven operating
light has gone off. You can choose not to pre-heat when using the fan oven mode;
Function 6
Grill mode (inner top and
bottom heating): Suitable
for grill meat or baking
food on one layer.
Function 7
Full Grill: For this mode,
all of inside and outside
top heating element
working, quantity of heat
will downward to the
food. This mode suit to
bake middle or large
weight of sausage,
bacon, beefsteak, fish
and etc.
Function 8
1.Before use of the
pyrolytic function, you
must remove the side
shelf, oven pan and other
relative accessories to
avoid damage in the high
temperatures reached in
the cycle.
2.The cavity temperature
can reach 430
, the
grease and food residue
can be carbonized at
high temperature for easy
A. The motor works at low speed in working status(F1-F7), and stops to work when the cavity
temperature is lower than 100
under power off status.
B. If the cavity temperature is higher than 300
at any function level, the motor will work at
high speed.