Functional description
The DG1-III is a microprocessor-controlled dosing device for the preparation of a ready-to-
use disinfectant solution for instrument and surface disinfection. It is a stationary device.
Product canisters with a capacity of 5-10 l can be used, which can be placed on a console
included in the scope of delivery next to the unit.
The dosing is regulated by the integrated microprocessor control.
An impulse water meter records the amount of water supplied.
The control electronics control the double-acting piston dosing pump, which doses the
disinfectant in proportion to the quantity. The water flow is controlled with a pulse water
meter and the disinfectant flow is constantly monitored with a flow monitor.
If there is no supply of disinfectant or water or in the event of any other malfunction,
the dosing unit switches off immediately.
The error is signalled with flashing intervals of the red LED.
If required, the dosing unit can also be operated with hot water; for this purpose, a mixer
tap must be connected upstream.
The max. permissible inlet temperature of the water must not be exceeded,
Basic dosing procedure:
The DG1-III always doses in 250 ml "packages", i.e. the chemistry is always dosed for
250 ml batches of disinfectant solution (water + chemistry).
As a result, a maximum overflow of 250 ml of disinfectant solution may occur under
certain circumstances.
The DG1-III achieves the specified dosing tolerance only from a withdrawal
of 1 l of ready-to-use solution. For this reason, care should be taken not to
fall below this quantity.
For safety reasons, it is possible to force a dosing stop at any time
by pressing the
stop (pause) button.
However, as described above, a run-on of disinfectant solution may occur
under certain circumstances.
The red LED lights up to indicate that the withdrawn quantity of 1 l may be
subject to concentration fluctuations outside the stated specifications.
This error message must be acknowledged before further dosing by
pressing the stop (pause)
Functional description
MAN049250 Rev. 1-01.2021