10.1 Specifications for microbiological testing of decentralised disinfectant
Removal of the aerator at the swivel spout of the unit
The outlet is to be disinfected on the outside with an alcoholic disinfectant
(Incidin Liquid, Incides N) or treated with a flame.
After a preliminary run of approx. 1 l, at least 1 l of disinfectant solution must be
collected in a sterile container.
1 litre is the minimum withdrawal quantity, see also the notice on the
Neutralising agents (so-called "de-inhibitors") should only be added after the
exposure time of the disinfectant in question has elapsed in the concentration taken
for bactericidal and levurocidal efficacy (see product label).
Appropriate neutralizers (chemical composition and concentration)
can be selected and validated according to EN 13727 or standard
DGHM/VAH methodology or be enquired about with the manufacturer.
Neutralising agents must be sterile.
The sample has to be investigated in a microbiological laboratory by filtration for its
aerobic total microbial count.
Examination in the specialist laboratory
The following examination and evaluation criteria are relevant for
determining the total aerobic colony count:
Ideally, this value is calculated per: 1 ml, 10 ml and 100 ml.
A cooled transport (4°C) in opaque containers is desirable;
this is mandatory for transports > 3 h.
The sample should be processed two to three hours after
In addition to the number of microbes found, the type of
microorganisms found must also be taken into account for
evaluation. E.g. the presence of spores in non-sporicidal agents
cannot be considered a quality defect.
We also recommend disinfecting the control panel at least once a day to
keep it germ-free and thus prevent the transmission of pathogens.
MAN049250 Rev. 1-01.2021