E93.1001EN.C Manual CD
To prevent Legionnaires’ disease, the water heater (software) provides a function for heating up the hot water
storage tank (once a week or every day) to a higher water temperature than the normal active hot water set point.
Also the period, that this “higher” water temperature function must be active, can be programmed in P7BV start
time (0:00) and P7BW (8) and is standard switched off.
Also an external 0-10 Vdc signal can be used to activate the pasteurisation function, by making the 0-10 V signal
higher than 10,2 V.
NOTICE: The standard factory setting for this Legionnaires’ disease (pasteurisation) function is “OFF”. To activate
this Legionnaires’ disease function some parameters must be programmed by the manufacturer/supplier. The
starting day and starting time of this Legionnaires’ disease function can be programmed at the control panel of the
water heater.
Several parameters are used for this function. Three of these parameters are shown in the following graph.
The graph is only for illustration purposes, parameter values in the water heater can deviate.
The settings of these parameters P5CI, P5CJ and P5CD must be programmed according to all applicable anti
Legionnaires’ disease preventing regulations.
The setting of these parameters can only be done by the manufacturer/supplier of the water heater or by a tech-
nician with access to programming level 2, at the control panel of the unit without the use of a computer.
NOTICE: The use and activation of this function won’t guarantee a Legionnaires’ disease free instal-
lation. The responsibility for a Legionnaires' disease free installation remains at the end-user/owner.
P5CI = 5°C e.g.
This is the bandwith within which the Legionnaires'
temperature must stay during the programmed dura-
tion time period. In this example the temperature is al-
lowed to fluctuate between 65°C and 70°C during the
anti Legionnaires' function.
P5CJ = 80 min. e.g.
This is the duration within which the water tempera-
ture must be between the 65°C and 70°C.
P5CD = 70 °C e.g.
This is the maximum temperature during anti
Legionnaires' disease function period.
Normal setting wa-
ter temperature.
Start of the anti Legionnaires' dis-
ease program (start day and time
can be programmed).
Normal setting wa-
ter temperature.
Time (10 min steps)
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