E93.1001EN.C Manual CD
Set points
The following graphs describe how to program the hot water set points.
Heating set point normal/day time: (parameter P4 AA = 1/2)
D H W s e t p o i n t
6 0 ° C
This is the water temperature set point that is active during
the programmed DHW periods (parameter P4 AA = 1/2)
DHW set point reduction: (parameter P4 AA = 1/2)
D H W R e d u c e
1 0 ° C
The reduction of the normal/day time set point. This reduc-
tion is used outside the programmed DHW periods.
DHW setpoint reduction: (parameter P4 AA = 2 and
P5 DJ&DK =1)
H e a t i n g s e t p o i n t
7 5 ° C
This parameter is the local setpoint of the water heater and
is regulated on sensor S1 (parameter P4 AA = 2, P5 DJ = 1
and P5 DK =1 ).
10.10 Setting the timer programs
Two different programs can be set with the water heater, these are:
DHW program
Anti-Legionnaires’ disease (pasteurisation) program
Three programmed periods each day can be set (period 1, 2 and 3). During this period the unit will use
the normal DHW set point. Outside the programmed period(s) the unit will use the reduced temperature
as set point. When no time is programmed for a period, it will not be used.
(Example no time programmed in period 3 on Monday >
"Mon 3 --:-- ---:--"
Operating screen:
W A T R H T R : b o i l e r o f f
> > > : 1 2 3 . 4 ° C ( 1 2 3 . 4 ° C )
Press [MENU]
Select "Timer" using [◄] & [►] and press [ENTER]
Main menu screen:
M a i n M e n u
T i m e r
Press [ENTER]
Setting program times:
P r o g r a m C H
M o n
0 6 : 0 0
- 2 3 : 0 0
Press [
] for next SCREEN
> > > Continue on next page HOT WATER program < < <
The max. actual DHW tempera-
ture will never exceed the value
set at Heating Setpoint Regard-
less the set DHW setpoint
If higher DHW setpoints are
needed the Heating Setpoint
has to be set higher also.