E93.1001EN.C Manual CD
C a s c D e s i g n
0 = MASTER, 1 ..... 11 = SLAVES
C a s I n f
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B
Displays number, priority and state of cascade water heaters.
Shows the number of water heaters connected with the cascade. The master/lead water heater is designated
as 0. Slave/lag water heaters will be designated 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B. When a “-“ is used instead of a
number, then that water heater is either not connected, or in a lockout mode and not available for the cascade.
When an “x“ is used instead of a number, then that water heater is connected, but in lockout mode.
When the number is flashing, then that water heater is providing heat to the cascade. When the leading water
heater is changed according to the set priority change time, then that water heater’s address will be shown first
in the row of numbers.
Example 1: "3 4 5 - - - - - - 0 1 2"
There are six water heaters present and nr. 3 has priority.
Example 2: "3 4 x - - - - - - 0 1 2"
There are six water heaters present and nr. 3 has priority. Water heater 5 is present, but in a lock-out.
C a s c P o w e r 9 9 9 % 9 9 9 %
% heat demand of total (cascade) power available (%).
D u a l
B u r n e r :
N o
One heat exchanger equipped with two burners: "Yes" or
M a x T h e r m
O p e n
Status of the maximum thermostat: "Open" or "Closed".
G e n B l o c k
C l o s e d
Status of the general blocking contact: "Open" or "Closed".
S i p h o n p r e s s
C l o s e d
Status of the siphon pressure switch: "Open" or "Closed".
N R V C o n t a c t
O p e n
Status of the non-return valve contact: "Open" or "Closed".
* REMARK at screen 14: No NRV used in this type of water heater.