E93.1001EN.C Manual CD
10.18 Fault codes display
The following graphs describe the lock out codes of the boiler. A lock out code can only be removed by a manual
resetting of the boiler.
NOTICE: Before resetting the water heater always check water heater, central heating system and all components
corresponding to the related lock out description. Never just reset the water heater, before analysing the possible
cause of failure.
Having a lockout means that the water heater needs a manual reset to start operating again.
When the water heater is in lockout the backlight of the display is blinking on and off.
Explanation >
9 9 9 , 5 : h r s
= time elapsed after fault & message.
Explanation >
P u m p 1
o n
= status of the pump during fault.
Display message
C l
i x o n
F a u l t
p u m p
o n
9 9 9 , 5
h r s
Heat exchanger fuse or burner door clixon exceeded maximum allowed value.
Display message
F a l s e
l a m e
s i g n a l
p u m p
o n
9 9 9 , 5
h r s
Flame signal is detected while it cannot be expected.
Display message
F a i
l e d
b u r n e r
s t a r
p u m p
o n
9 9 9 , 5
h r s
Water heater is not starting after the programmed starting attempts.
Display message
F a n
s p e e d
i n c o r r e c t
p u m p
o n
9 9 9 , 5
h r s
The controller does not detect a correct fan speed.
Display message
F l a m e
l o s t
p u m p
o n
9 9 9 , 5
h r s
Flame detected during normal operation, but was lost while running.
Display message
F l o w
h i g h
T e m p
p u m p
o n
9 9 9 , 5
h r s
Flow temperature exceeds the limit which has been set in the parameters.
Display message
F l o w R e t u r n
d t
f a u l
p u m p
o n
9 9 9 , 5
h r s
Temperature difference between flow and return exceeds limitation value,
or 'dT block or delta direct block' has occurred three times.
Display message
F l o w
s e n s o r
e r r o r
p u m p
o n
9 9 9 , 5
h r s
Flow sensor not detected by the water heater caused by faulty connection/sensor.
Display message
F l u e
s e n s o r
e r r o r
p u m p
o n
9 9 9 , 5
h r s
Flue gas sensor not detected caused by faulty connection/sensor.
Display message
F l u e
t e m p
t o o
h i g h
p u m p
o n
9 9 9 , 5
h r s
Flue gas temperature exceeds the limit more than 3 times within a time frame.