Version 1.06.1 du 29/07/2016
Réf : CD MA User Manual Imago EN 1.06.docx
Page 5 sur 20
4. Getting started
4.1 Connection and disconnection of probes
To connect a probe, put the probe connector in the slot provided for this purpose on the back (left side) with the connector
pointing upwards. Turn the locker situated in the middle of the connector with a slight pressure in order to engage the locking
mechanism. When the locking mechanism is engaged, push and make a quarter turn clockwards so that the probe is
After desconnecting a probe, always place the probe in a safe place in order to avoid any damage of the probe due to a shock
or falling down.
The probes can be changed during the examinaton without restarting the device, just freeze the image before.
To disconnect a probe, make a quarter turn counter-clockwards in order to unlock the connector. Take the connector out of
the device and store the probe in an appropriate place protected from shocks.
Warning :
Before disconnecting the active probe, make sure to freeze the image.
When starting the device, always make sure to have a probe connected.
The label of the connected probe label is displayed on the screen (top right of the image).
4.2 Starting of the device
Warning :
Only the power cord supplied by ECM must be used to power the device.
To start the equipment, turn on the power switch situated on the right side panel of the device.
Then wait until the system starts and displays the user interface on the screen.
The Imago equipment starts in B mode with the probe connected on the probe connector. If no probe is connected to the
probe connector, the system will display a label
“No probe”. In this case, connect a probe to the connector and press “Freeze”,
or restart the equipment.
To stop the equipment, press again the power switch situated on the right side panel of the device. A shutdown procedure
will be performed until the complete stop of the equipment.