Version 1.06.1 du 29/07/2016
Réf : CD MA User Manual Imago EN 1.06.docx
Page 3 sur 20
1. Introduction
This manual includes all necessary information for installing and using the Imago ultrasound equipment (ECM ref. 90-1945)
The Imago is an ultrasound device for diagnostic imaging.
Entirely digital, using FPGA technology, Imago provides imaging in B, B+B and M mode
Imago is designed for the following applications: Veterinary (cow, horse, sheep, sow, lama, dog, cat)
2. IMAGO straps installation instructions
The Imago scanner is delivered with 1 charger, 1 gel flask and 2 straps.
1 neck strap that will go around & behind the neck.
1 body strap (elastic) that will go around the body.
Please here are the following steps to follow :
Open the 3 plastic connecting parts of the peripherals on the right part of the scanner (not the USB one), insert the
extremity of the strap underneath the Imago right notch and then close it to the longer part.
Close again the 3 plastic connecting parts.
Repeat the same operation on the left part inserting the extremity on the left notch.
You may then click together one part of the body strap(elastic).
Then, put the left or right hand inside the neck strap and place the Imago in front of you
Finally, you can click together the other part of the body strap.
NB : check that the straps have been installed as per the above photo.