Version 1.06.1 du 29/07/2016
Réf : CD MA User Manual Imago EN 1.06.docx
Page 11 sur 20
You can record the 10 frequently used annotations for inserting comments in frozen images.
Restore the last annotation
is activated, the last annotation will be automatically proposed.
Datas about your version of IMAGO (
Date & time format, Firmware, Factory
). Also the user can select:
Auto Freeze
store clip
with USB,
Keypad, Right-Handed / Left-Handed
System : change the date or time format
About :
software version and manufacture date
Factory :
activate or deactivate the factory mode (only for ECM)
Auto Freeze :
in standard mode, Never is always activated
if you meet problems storing threw the USB pen drive, activate this function
: Azerty / Qwerty
Right-Handed / Left-Handed :
reverse the screen according to your working hand
Full screen :
activating full screen mode. The only visible indications are date & time, battery level, probe name, preset
application and name, and frequency. Press Exit to return to the conventional mode.