Version 1.06.1 du 29/07/2016
Réf : CD MA User Manual Imago EN 1.06.docx
Page 18 sur 20
7. Cleaning and disinfection instructions
7.1 Cleaning and disinfection of the device
The following disinfection solutions have been tested and their compatibility with the components of the device
has been proved:
Cidex plus
Cidex OPA
It is strongly recommended to use one of these solutions in order to avoid any deterioration during the cleaning
and disinfection procedure.
WARNING : Do not pour liquid on the scanner !
And make sure, before closing the case, that neither the scanner non the probe are wet.
WARNING : The use of any other disinfecting solution than the ones indicated above is dangerous as it
may damage the components of the device. Check the list of specified agents carefully.
In order to ensure proper cleaning and disinfection, please follow the following procedure:
WARNING : Do not use alcohol, or other strong chemicals agents that may damage the casings of the
equipment. Do not poor or spray liquids directly on the equipment.
7.2 Cleaning and disinfection of probes
Low level disinfection procedure :
The following disinfection solutions have been tested and their compatibility with the components of the probes has
been proved:
Cidex OPA
It is strongly recommended to use one of these solutions in order to avoid any deterioration during the cleaning
and disinfection procedure.
WARNING : The use of any other disinfecting solution than the ones indicated above is dangerous as it
may damage the probe components. Check the list of specified agents carefully.