Console Software
Console Software
other device. Now select
for the other device’s input sync. The other device
will slave to your AudioFire 8 and they will now operate in unison.
No matter how many devices you are synchronizing, the concept is essentially the
same. You are merely “daisy-chaining” devices together using compatible clocks.
One device will operate as the source of the master clock, with each successive
device using that clock to sync.
Multiple Consoles and Channel Names
When you install additional AudioFires to your system, a letter will be appended to
the name of each AudioFire to give it a unique name. For example, when you
install a second AudioFire 8, it will be named “AudioFire 8-a”. The third
AudioFire 8 will be “AudioFire 8-b”. This name will be seen on the console title
bar, in WDM device selection, ASIO device selection and GigaStudio device
With multiple AudioFires, multiple console windows will open when you open the
console. Each console will be identified by the AudioFire’s unique name. If one
console window is closed, all windows will have to be closed and re-opened in
order to restore it.