Console Software
Console Software
tab titles will be gray. In this case “Analog 1-2” is the currently selected output
bus. Clicking on an output bus tab simply selects the
settings that are displayed
This means all input monitor parameters such as volume, pan, and mute
to the audio coming out
analog outputs 1 and 2
of AudioFire 8. To select,
view and change the input monitoring and playback settings for another set of
outputs you must select a different output bus by clicking on one of the other
output bus tabs. AudioFire 12 does not have S/PDIF, so it does not have a digital
output bus; it has 6 analog output bus tabs instead.
Master Output Bus Control
The master bus control is the area on the far right of the console window. At the
top are the labels “ANALOG”, “Out 1”, and “Out 2.” This indicates you are
currently controlling everything mixed to analog outputs 1 and 2. These channels
correspond to the currently selected output bus tab.
Beneath the labels are two green label fields that can be changed by clicking in
them and typing. Below the green label fields are nominal level buttons, mute
buttons, level meters and faders. The
mute buttons
being mixed to this bus
. Thus, pulling the fader down will make both the input
monitors and playback quieter. The level meters display the amount of signal
being sent out of the selected outputs.
button sets the gang mode. If you are in gang mode, the mute buttons
will work together for the left and right channels; for example, clicking the mute
on one channel activates the mute button on the other channel. Also, ganging ties
the faders together so they will maintain their relative placement in regard to each
Playback Controls
The playback controls are to the left of the master output controls and are similarly
labeled, except instead of “Out” they are labeled “Play”. The playback controls
affect the level of audio being played by an application out the currently selected